Pediatric Dentistry Symposium

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Caries and molar-incisor hypomineralization: Innovative strategies for children's oral health


Despite ongoing research and investments in oral health, dentistry still faces many challenges that prevent teeth from lasting a lifetime. In childhood, two main issues are dental caries and enamel development defects, with a focus on molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH). For caries, treatment focuses on addressing the disease through preventive measures targeting causal factors, while rehabilitating its sequelae is essential for promoting patients' quality of life. MIH, on the other hand, is unpredictable, but proper management of this condition is crucial for oral health. This lecture will discuss how we can tackle these challenges to ensure friendly and effective dental care for children, utilizing new techniques and materials that align with the philosophy of minimal intervention.

Learning Objectives

  • Highlight the key challenges in maintaining and promoting oral health in children.
  • Discuss the causal factors of dental caries and how the philosophy of minimal intervention addresses the issue.
  • Introduce bioactive materials and discuss how they can aid in pediatric dental treatment.
  • Discuss the impact of MIH on children's oral health.
  • Present current treatment therapies for MIH.
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