Online Event | UAE Timezone (GST) 17-20 Nov 2022

14th Dental Facial Cosmetic Conference

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An update on root canal obturation

Date: 17 November 2022 | Time: 14:00-14:45 (GST) | Location: Online Event


Root canal filling is probably the topic that has created the most controversy in the history of endodontics.  

The importance of preventing the penetration of bacteria into the root canal system after its disinfection and the importance of preventing the recolonization of the endodontic space by bacteria that survived disinfection are recognized by all, however, it remains to be clarified the importance of the canal filling in achieving these objectives.

For this reason, the approach to root canal filling is incredibly varied, ranging from the use of the single gutta-percha cone in combination with conventional or calcium silicate-based root canal cement to the use of "cold" or "hot" gutta-percha condensation techniques;  

In this presentation, we will discuss the clinical data on the success rate of the different root canal obturation techniques, the importance of the sterility of the operating field at the time of root canal filling, the scientific and clinical data to support the use of root canal cement based on calcium silicates, and numerous technical aspects, from the length of the canal filling to the penetration of materials into the lateral canals and the apical delta.  All these topics will be addressed starting from the results of clinical and laboratory studies conducted at King's College London and partly not yet published.

Lecture Objectives

At the end of this lecture, the delegates will be able to  

  • Understand the clinical data on the outcome of root canal obturation techniques 
  • Understand the importance of the disinfection of the operative field at the time of root canal obturation 
  • Understand the steps necessary for the correct use of calcium silicate cement in combination with single cone and warm gutta-percha techniques 
  • Recognize the importance of correct instrumentation as an essential step prior to root canal obturation 
  • Be knowledgeable on the potential application of revascularization techniques to mature teeth 
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