Pediatric Dentistry Symposium

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Pediatric oral surgery and beyond: Diagnosing oral pathology, removing teeth, and placing fixed unilateral chairside space maintainers


This discussion will review best practices for radiographic studies associated with routine examinations to rule out pathology including when a CBCT is required and not. Participants will learn tips to decrease root fractures and remove ankylosed teeth and supernumeraries. There will be an emphasis on predictable treatment planning for those with special health care needs and when to consider molar substitution and serial extractions for the most sustainable and compassionate outcomes. The lecture will conclude with learning the keys to efficient placement of fitted and retentive chairside space maintainers.

Learning objectives

  • Identify common oral pathology in children.
  • Identify surgical landmines to refer to oral surgery.
  • Optimize a multispecialty approach to complex cases.
  • Utilize the perfect forceps/armamentarium for the procedure.
  • Place retentive band and loops and distal shoes.
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