Pediatric Dentistry Symposium

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Navigating the journey of caring for children with enamel defects


Enamel defects, characterised by structural alterations, can lead to tooth sensitivity, wear and/or enamel breakdown, increasing susceptibility to dental caries. In this lecture, we explore the diagnosis, management, and psychosocial implications of enamel defects in children. Additionally, the lecture will provide an update on the interceptive extractions of compromised first permanent molars. Through this, attendees will gain insights into the multifaceted care required to effectively manage enamel defects of paediatric patients. 

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the etiology of enamel defects in children.
  • Explain the challenges involved in restoring enamel defects, elucidating the complexities that dentists encounter in providing effective treatment for affected patients.
  • Demonstrate the ability to recognize the signs and symptoms of enamel defects, enabling accurate diagnosis and early intervention to mitigate potential complications.
  • Discuss contemporary management strategies for various types of enamel defects, including defects in primary and permanent teeth, syndromes, Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH), and genetic defects.
  • Evaluate the interdisciplinary approach required for comprehensive care of children with enamel defects.
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