Online Dental Education Webinars

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NSK MEA Online Dental Education Webinars

Join series of clinical webinars held/being held with the support of NSK MEA.

Ranging from topics such as prosthodontics, endodontics, implantology, orthodontics, oral hygiene and many others, the clinical webinars support the continuous development of dental professionals.

The goal of these webinars is to provide dental practitioners with up-to-date information efficiently reachable from home or any place online, free of cost. Most of the lectures are given with accreditation of CE ADA C.E.R.P / CME DoH-Abu Dhabi, DHA & GCC Authorities.

Apply for a FREE registration to access the recorded webinars by renowned speakers from all over the world!


1. Click on “WEBINARS” in the above and select the event you wish to watch

2. Login with your Email and Password
*To access for the first time, click “Become a member for free” on the Login page for a simple registration

3. Enter “ACCESS CODE” given on the page, to proceed with the recorded webinar