Fast splint matrix
A range of fiber products for the production of dental splints and bonded bridges at the chairside.
- Aesthetic
- Simple
- Quick
- Reliable
- Non-invasive
Fiber Force
- Complete and partial removable dentures reinforcement.
- Pre-impregnated with a UDMA resin, metal-free, chemical and mechanical cohesion.
- Three times stronger than metal framework reinforced dentures
- Mechanical and chemical adhesion
- Lightweight, aesthetic and quick
- Securing the implant transfers.
- Easy impressions for an implant model.
- High-precision, no verification key required.
- D-lab allows high-precision impressions in order to create, for the laboratory, an accurate in detail model and a dimensional precision for immediate loading and all-on-4F
- Easy application of the fiber orally
- Light curable
- Render of a high-precision model for dentures
- Metal-free
Fiber Force cst
Tridimensional infrastructure fabrication for PMMA-based trans-screwed dentures.
- Quick, very solid, easy to use, cantilever possibility.
- Fiber implant bar for trans-screwed bridges
- Passive and stable
- Fast construction
- Tridimensional and lightweight structure
- Bis-GMA-free and epoxy-free
Biolight® Plus is designed to reinforce post and core build-ups.
The fasciculated fibro-architectured micro-posts Biolight PlusTM offer a uniform and continuous reinforcement for coronal root canal reconstitutions (CRCR) inserted in the plastic phase, thus allowing a higher retention and resistance against long-term disintegration. The adhesive composite coating of each micro-post is realized according to an innovative and precise impregnation protocol using the impregnation case included.
➤ Ready to use, no preparation.
The fibro-architectured micro-posts Biolight Plus™ are made using a pultrusion technology excluding any additive.
Their surfaces are clean and ready to be inserted in the dental root canal.
➤ The secure coating on each micro-post substantially reduces the risk of voids spaces and bubbles formation in the adhesive composite thanks to the "one step, no touch,20 seconds!" impregnator.
➤ Minimally invasive: Traditional drilling is not required.
Cleaning is limited to the removal of the endodontics filling material to the working length: the result is a perfect adaptation to all root canal morphologies while preventing weakening of the root canal walls.
➤ Uniform and continuous reinforcement of the anchoring and the coronal composite using only one dual-cure adhesive composite (any compatible adhesive system can be used).
➤ Biocompatible: metal-free, wetting agent-free, Bis-GMA-free and epoxy resin-free.
The impregnation is optimized, the fiber bundle allows a more even distribution in the root canal and the coronal adhesive composite produces:
➤ An extraction resistance 45% higher compared to traditional posts.
➤ A 30° flexural strength 15% higher compared to classical reconstitutions.
➤ The blockage of microcracks causing the long-term disintegration of the reconstitutions.
➤ A displacement at failure 80% higher compared to traditional posts under 30° bending.
For the contact details, please find the following:
Veronica Ranque
Scorpios International LLC Administrator
Malle Agapay
+971 55 164 6019
Marketing Officer Scorpios International LLC
Thomas Combe
+33 (0) 6 78 830654
BCM International Manager
Nathalie Maneuf
+33 (0) 6 78 830654
BCM Marketing Manager