Online Event | UAE Timezone (GST) 10-13 Nov 2022

17th CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry Conference

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The magnetic dynamic technology into the daily practice: A new & optimally effective tool for minimally invasive implant related surgeries

Date: 11 November 2022 | Time: 17:30-18:15 (GST) | Location: Online Event


In our implant practice we often have to deal with conservative root extractions, thin crestal bone, and poor-quality alveolar bone; especially in the posterior areas where it is often necessary to increase the height of the residual bone after tooth loss. The purpose of this lecture is to learn about a new conservative surgical approach to manage narrow ridges, poor quality bone, low bone height under the sinus, and post-extraction implants to achieve optimal primary stability and predictable implant outcomes, with very low morbidity for the patients.

This innovative technology called the Magnetic Mallet is a device based on an EU/US patent of invention in oral surgery that uses magnetism to generate a very impressive acceleration of the instrument tips that maximizes the forces applied to the bone (making the procedure fast and efficient) and in the meantime minimizes the inertia and discomfort for the patient. Such speed does not cause any bone heating, therefore, no need for irrigation during surgical procedures!

Lecture Objectives

Participants will learn how this Magnetic Dynamic Technology improves surgical procedures allowing them to implement fast, minimally invasive, conservative, and complete controlled protocols during extractions, osteotomies, crestal sinus lift, implant placement, ridge splitting, osseodensification, and bone modeling!

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