Online Event | UAE Timezone (GST) 11-14 Nov 2021

16th CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry Conference

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Diode lasers in our everyday practice


It is paramount for today’s professionals to be updated on what is possible to perform with the technology available. 

What this course proposes is to be an introduction to the field of diode lasers in dentistry and also to facilitate the understanding of light interaction with living tissues as well with other dental materials. 

By no means is a certification course, on the contrary: it’s aimed to the professionals that lack basic knowledge of light interaction and that don’t feel comfortable working with diode lasers.

Learning Objectives

  • Diode lasers – basic understanding
  • Main clinical indications
  • Basics of light interaction and cell mechanisms of photon absorption
  • Why is it safer to work with a super-pulsed device
  • How lasers can improve our treatments and benefit our patients
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