The Sobczak Concept – the newest and 100% digital approach for edentulous patients
14 Dec 2022 ON-DEMAND Area of interest: General Dentistry, Implant Dentistry


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The Sobczak Concept is a fully digital implant protocol for edentulous patients and patients with failing dentition. Due to the digital planning it allows to obtain the FP1 screw retained bridge in most cases. The benefits of such among the natural feel and look of teeth is the easier maintenance for the patients. This lecture illustrates the application of a novel digital workflow for the immediate full-arch restoration with a white bridge over various indications and conditions. Pre- and intra-surgical direct digital impressions for the surgical and chairside prosthetic planning models were combined. This combination allowed to precisely adapt the prosthetic framework to the patients' macro aesthetics and local soft tissue anatomy and to identify and selectively apply regenerative procedures. This resulted in a precise, efficient and robust delivery of chairside manufactured immediate restorations. Implant-fixed complete dentures (IFCDs) are well established for the immediate rehabilitation of edentulous patients. Selecting an adequate treatment scheme is one of the most important factors for the long-term clinical success of IFCDs. This selection requires considering a wide range of objective clinical parameters, including anatomic, medical, technical, mechanical, and biological characteristics. In addition, subjective patient-perceived outcomes, including preferences and satisfaction, have recently gained equal importance for evaluating final treatment outcomes. 

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss digital planning of full arch implant position, using surgical guides, 
  • Discuss implant selection
  • Discuss digital wax-up
  • Discuss temporary full arch bridge