Dr. Barbara Sobczak is an accomplished dentist with extensive experience in the field of oral implantology. She graduated with honors and earned a Master of Science degree in Oral Implantology from Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. She is the founder of several prestigious dental clinics including Dr Sobczak Dental Clinic in the Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE, Dr Sobczak Klinika Radosc, and Dr Sobczak Klinika Babice, both in Warsaw, Poland.
Dr. Sobczak is a key speaker and opinion leader in the field of implantology in both Europe and the Middle East. She is an independent lecturer and has been invited to speak at many international conferences, including the upcoming Esthetic World Summit in Dubai. She is a medical consultant for Straumann, a Swiss-based company specializing in implantology. She is also the founder and director of ITI Study Club Mazovia and ITI Study Club Polonika.
Dr. Sobczak is an ITI Fellow, awarded by a committee in Switzerland for her achievements in the field of implantology. She is a member of the International Team for Implantology (ITI), an organization that supports the educational and scientific development of young implantologists. She is involved in scientific projects related to dental materials in implantology for temporary full arch reconstructions.
In addition to her professional achievements, Dr. Sobczak is also a philanthropist and the founder of the Dr Sobczak Charity Foundation. She has been recognized for her contributions to the field of dentistry and business. She was named Women’s Brand of the Year in 2019 and 2020 and received the Women Star Award. She was also named Dentist of the Year in 2019 and won the XII Polish Businesswoman Award in the categories of "Discovery of the Year 2021" and "Leader among Medical Clinics". She was also a laureate of the "Orly Medycyny" (Eagles of Medicine) Award.
Dr. Sobczak is a regular presence on Polish national television and has appeared on the live morning show "Pytanie na Sniadanie". She shares the patient's life story and the spectacular transformation that was achieved through the Sobczak Concept® treatment done by Dr. Sobczak and her team at one of the Dr Sobczak Clinics.