Digital implantology and guided surgery: Precision techniques for implant placement and workflow optimization
Hands-on Courses
14 Nov 2024, Thursday, 09:00 - 18:00 Zabeel House Hotel The Greens| Dubai | UAE Area of interest: General Dentistry, Implant Dentistry

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This interactive Hands-on is structured to provide step-by-step training at a very personal level. It employs case-based learning by emphasizing evidence-based daily usage of implant surgical guides. Participants will learn from the basic tools to the latest advancements in computer-guided surgery and digital dentistry through the entire digital workflow from data acquisition with intraoral scanning, planning, and design to accurate execution with the guided surgery kit. Implant surgical guides provides access to comprehensive surgical and prosthetic solutions, from aesthetic area to bone management, validated with scientific evidence. Streamlined clinical and digital workflows will be presented to increase final accuracy and clinical outcomes. All the secrets of static guided surgery usage will be unveiled to discern when and how to use the different surgical options, including the review of the current CBCT, IOS, and latest surgical template designs.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn from the basic tools to the latest advancements in computer-guided surgery and digital dentistry through the entire digital workflow from data acquisition with intraoral scanning, planning, and design to accurate execution with guided surgery kit.
  • Step-by-step training for usage of the implant surgical guides
  • Employs case-based learning by emphasizing evidence-based daily usage of the guided surgery system
  • Streamlined clinical and digital workflows to increase final accuracy and clinical outcomes
  • Learn the secrets of Static guided surgery usage


08:30 – 09:00
09:15 – 10:45
  • Introduction to Digital Implantology
  • Understanding basics of Static Guided Surgery: role of Diagnosis and treatment Planning
  • Digital Workflows – from data acquisition with intraoral scanning, planning and design, to accurate execution with guided surgery kit: single tooth missing
10:45 – 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:00
Lecture Continued:
  • Digital Workflow- from data acquisition with intraoral scanning, planning and design, to accurate execution with guided surgical kit: multiple teeth to complete arch restorations
  • Tips and tricks for Accurate Implant placement, Immediate Loading and Clinical Outcomes
12:00 – 13:00
13:00 – 14:15
Appropriate Case Selection and Presentation: Guided Surgery Execution from Single Tooth to Complete Arch
14:15 – 15:00
Demo by Speaker:
  • Implant placement with Surgical Guid + Crestal Approach Sinus Surgery using guided sinus lift surgery kit. Kits explanation and drilling protocols
15:00 – 17:00
  • Implant placement with Surgical Guide
17:00 – 17:30
Discussion and Q&A

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