Prof. Rima currently works as a Scientific Group Leader at the Saarland University Hospital's Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine in Homburg, Germany. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from Damascus University, Prof. Rima pursued further education in Clinical Biochemistry (Dipl. Cert.), Clinical Chemistry (Dr. rer. Med.), Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine (Habilitation Venia Legendi & Professorship), and received a Postgraduate Master of Science in Public Health from the University of Dusseldorf, Germany.
Throughout her professional career, Prof. Rima has received multiple awards, including the Aias-Cofund (Marie Curie Research Fellowship) Award from Aarhus University, Denmark, as well as the Alexander von-Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship from the University of Saarland, Germany. She has also written over 35 publications in the last four years.
Prof. Dr. Rer. med. Rima Obeid is conducting important research that aims to improve the lives of children and adults with Down syndrome. Her work is highly significant and has contributed to breakthroughs in various global charities.