Online Live Event | 13:00 - 17:00 (GST UAE Time) 16 Apr 2020

CAPP Live Stream Dental Meeting In Covid-19 Period – Part 2

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Evidence-based Infection Treatment Protocols in the Dental Office. What Makes Sense and What doesn’t in the COVID-19 Period?


The rampant spread of the SARS-CoV-2 with the outbreak of the associated disease COVID-19 has definitely changed the world. The Virus has come to stay, for long and our profession is one of the most affected ones. Since respiratory viruses spread through saliva droplets, aerosols and by contact, we (dental professionals) are at high risk for nosocomial infection and can become potential carriers of the disease exposing patients to cross-contamination, besides getting ourselves infected.

The lecture will provide protocols that are simple and efficient for dental treatment. It will discuss current evidence, show our own experience and will try to show the light at the end of the tunnel.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how the disease spread
  • Understand how it relates to the dental practice
  • Show the evidence about how to protect ourselves, the practice team and our patients
  • Provide insights on how dentistry might change in the future
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