15 Nov 2019

CAPP-Asia Singapore Welcomed for the First Time the Certificate in Clinical Endodontics

CAPP-Asia Singapore Welcomed for the First Time the Certificate in Clinical Endodontics

CAPP-Asia, British Academy of Restorative Dentistry (BARD) and CAPP-Tipton Dental Academy launched the Clinical Endodontics Dentistry Certificate programme in Singapore. Module 1 took place from 15-17 November 2019 in Singapore at the FDC Academy Training Centre. Delegates who came from Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand and Australia were taught by Faculty Lead Prof. James Prichard, UK on Fundamental and Diagnostic of Endodontics (Diagnosis & Planning). The lectures covered Contemporary Endodontics, Dentine pulp complex / classification / disease, Radiographic assessment of cases both conventional, CBCT & others, Endodontics Risks, Understanding access cavity design, locating canals and curve canals, Standard technique / crown down technique / balance forces / modified double flare techniques

Prof. Prichard also did extensive hands on training on Rubber dam, Double flare technique, Niti Pro-taper, Hand filing, Obturation Practical Single Cone and Cold Lateral Condensation.

Module 2 of the programme will take place between 07-09 February 2020 and it will focus on Aetiology and Diagnosis of Endodontic Disease (Application & Techniques).

For more information visit: https://www.capp-asia.com/endo