Online Event | UAE Timezone (GST) 11-14 Nov 2021

16th CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry Conference

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CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry to the limit


We live in a era where high technology is a part of our daily lives and at a time where Patients are becoming more specific and demanding about how they would like their anterior teeth to be restored. Not only are they requesting an aesthetic solution to their dental problems, but also seeking procedures that require “no touching” or “minimally touching” of remaining tooth structures. As we all know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are smile design principles and rules but patients don't always want their smile design to be done by rules. Technology is improving at a fast rate, adapting this technology to our dental practices makes our lives easier and more enjoyable. In this lecture we will understand how to customise the smile in a smart way to make the patient and the dentist satisfied and happy.

Learning objectives

  • Learn the importance of digital dentistry, learn the uses of digital scanners in daily routine .
  • Learn how to create digital mock-ups and techniques for creating silicone indexes that will help you conserve tooth structure when prepping for crowns and porcelain veneers.
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