Online Event | UAE Timezone (GST) 11-14 Nov 2021

16th CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry Conference

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Aesthetic solutions with zirconium oxide


Claudio Joss will share in his lecture the latest know-how of enhancing esthetic solutions with the recent developments on zirconium oxide materials. 

Nowadays the demand for high-aesthetic solutions in combination with high-strength sintered oxide ceramics is constantly increasing. Due to a wide versatility of different types of zirconium oxide generations we can choose from various options for all kind of diverse solutions, beginning from a single-tooth restoration up to wide-span bridges. The dental technician needs to understand, which material is the ideal choice for a certain indication. Further application methods such as veneering- or staining technique enables the ceramist to meet the high expectations of its individual customers. Technology's to produce high-precision zirconium oxide restorations will be presented and explained. Several clinical cases will be shown and discussed during this presentation.

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