Veneers in the APT (Aesthetic Pre-evaluative Temporary) Concept – Advanced Smile Design Masterclass
Hands-on Courses
25-26 Oct 2024, 09:00 - 18:00 CAPP Training Institute | Dubai | UAE Area of interest: General Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Restorative Dentistry

This course is SOLD OUT. If you are interested in a similar course, please register your interest by contacting +971558844272.

Dr Galip Gurel is coming to do his signature hands-on training course in Dubai after many years of exclusively offering it in Istanbul only. This is once in a lifetime opportunity to attend, learn and meet Dr Galip Gurel who is the author of one of the most famous and influential books in dentistry - “The Science and Art of Porcelain Laminate Veneers”, translated into 10 different languages. Come and join the course in Dubai at the state-of-the-art CAPP Training Institute in October 2024.  

The course will teach simple and practical clinical tips and tricks for everyday smile design, that can be readily applied by every dental professional’s clinical practice, starting the very next day after completing the course.

Very limited seats are available, registration is on a first come first serve basis. Don't miss the chance to be part of this exclusive and transformative training experience.

Registration is ClosedDownload Brochure

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the importance of the mock-up for any kind of procedure.
  • Evaluate how to design the mock-up manually ( design related to the facial appearance and personality)
  • Discuss the step-by-step protocol for preparing the teeth through the APT ( Aesthetic Pre-evaluative Temporaries)
  • Identify the process of making the provisionals with the RSVP technique.
  • Describe in detail an update on ceramics and adhesives

Agenda Day 1

09:00 – 10:00
Basic introduction to the minimally invasive concept
How to make a healthy start to an aesthetic case
The Smile Design (Analog vs Digital)
Presenting the case to the patient – the direct mock-up
10:00 – 11:00
Importance of the Mock-up (analog-digital )
The mock-up as the navigator and the diagnostic tool
Myths and realities in tooth preparation
Details of the facial, incisal, gingival, and interproximal tooth preparation
11:00 – 11:15
Coffee break
11:15 – 13:00
VIDEO Tooth Preparation Techniques A to Z by Dr. Gurel
Designing the smile / Aesthetic Mock-up / Wax-up
Preparing silicone indexes in the lab or chairside.
Analysing the smile with the indexes.
Aesthetic pre-recontouring – APR (if needed for subtracted cases).
Aesthetic Pre-evaluative Temporaries – APT.
Evaluation of the aesthetics through APT
  • Tooth preparation through the APT under magnification
  • Selecting the depth cutters.
  • Critical details on gingival and inter-proximal margin preparation
  • Finishing the preparation design.
  • Customizing your Arkansas stone burs for finalizing gingival margin preparations.
  • Using the soflex paper discs during the preparation
Handling exposed dentin at the time of preparation.
Impression making / when and where to use retraction cords.
A completely new approach to long-lasting, soft tissue-friendly provisionals
(discussing different techniques depending on various indications).
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 15:30
Occlusion in clinical practice
Presenting the case to the patient – the direct mock-up
The mock-up as the navigator
The mock-up as the diagnostic tool
Deprogramming the muscles
Setting the Occlusion based on the Aesthetic Design
Establishing the correct Vertical Dimension
Registering the ideal bite at the correct VDO
Inter Cuspal Position vs Retral Contact Position
Protrusive Registration
Transferring the data to the lab
Handling canted cases
Tooth preparation based on the new occlusal setup
Final occlusal adjustments on Bonded Porcelain restorations
15:30 - 15:45
Coffee break
15:45 - 17:00
The ART of the Treatment Planning
Analysing the case
The Aesthetic workflow
Being creative when designing the case
Reverse Treatment Planning (Based on the final design in mind)
Interdisciplinary approach (in a Solo vs Group practice)
Why & how to be minimally invasive
Communication between the specialists & the lab
17:00 - 17:30
Discussion and Q&A

Agenda Day 2

09:00 – 10:30
Tooth preparation techniques for complicated cases
  • Unspoken details on Additive vs Subtractive scenarios
  • How to deal with the protruded teeth
  • How to handle the teeth that are too palatally positioned
10:30 - 10:45
Coffee Break
10:45 - 13:00
Hands-on course on models
Direct Mock-up with different variations
Preparing the translucent silicon impression of the wax-up model
Preparing the silicon index
Checking the smile with the index
Aesthetic Pre-recontouring – APR
Aesthetic Pre-evaluative Temporaries – APT
  • Evaluation of aesthetics through APT
  • Tooth preparation through the APT
  • Using depth cutters
  • Using double-gridded diamond burs
  • Finishing the margins
Modifying the translucent silicon impression for the provisionals
Preparing the provisionals using RSVP
Rechecking the provisionals for aesthetics.
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 –15:00
Lecture Update on Dental Ceramics
Classification of Dental Ceramics
Their pros & cons depending on the cases
Understanding the structure of the new materials
Does the material choice affect the bonding sequence?
When to etch, when to Sandblast?
What should be the delivery sequence at the chair side?
Try-in? Etching? Sandblasting? Ultrasonic cleaning? Silane application? Luting resin?
What are the surface treatment methods of the new materials?
15:00 - 16:00
Lecture Update on Dental Adhesives
Bonding - adhesives – all the details we need to know in daily clinical practice
The hybrid layer
Ingredients of the adhesive systems
How to classify the adhesive systems in their most simplistic way
Total-etching vs. Self-etching
Advantages vs disadvantages, when to use which one?
Possible post-op problems
16:00 - 16:15
Coffee Break
16:15 - 17:15
Video of the live recorded case :
Bonding the Porcelain Laminate Veneers by Dr. Gurel
Removing the provisionals
Whether or not to use the rubber dam
Application of the rubber dam
Surface treatment of the prepared tooth surface
Surface treatment of the intaglio surface of the porcelain restoration
Seating the porcelain restorations
Bonding of the porcelain laminate veneers
Light curing ( technique for minimum invasive margin cleaning)
Final cleaning
Checking the Aesthetics & Occlusion
17:15 - 17:30
Discussion and Q&A