An overview of dentine hypersensitivity and bleeding gums for Pharmacists: causes, diagnosis and treatment
25 Jun 2022 Online Event | 11:00 | UAE Timezone Area of interest: Pharmacists



Pharmacists are at the forefront of helping many people who suffer from tooth sensitivity and also consumers with bleeding gums. The pharmacist may be asked for advice regarding dentine hypersensitivity or why is it that they spit blood when they brush by individuals who lack access to dental care services or are unable to schedule an appointment. Dentine hypersensitivity is an oral condition that is characterized by a transient pain typically in response to chemical, thermal or tactile stimuli that cannot be explained arising from another causative agent. Many people who have tooth sensitivity are not aware that they do or they believe it has no solution. Therefore, it is important for pharmacists to identify patients’ concerns and make referrals for appropriate dental care if needed.
In this presentation causes of dentine hypersensitivity and bleeding gums and the essential difference will be discussed and the role of pharmacists in providing advice to the patients on products that could provide relief for these conditions will be explored.

Learning outcome

  • Know what is dentine hypersensitivity and bleeding gums
  • Understand the causes of dentine hypersensitivity and bleeding gums
  • Understand the difference between pain due to dentine hypersensitivity and other oral conditions and causes of gum bleeding
  • Know the difference and methods to manage both
  • Highlight the role of pharmacists in providing advice on the right oral health management