Prof Dr Betul Kargul, Turkey
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Prof Dr B. Kargul graduated from Marmara University, Faculty of Dentistry in 1986 and started to study as a PhD student in 1987. She has been lecturing and directing undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Her research expertise is epidemiology, caries research in children, preventive dentistry, dental materials. She has published more than 150 refereed papers and has more than 300 presentations in the International Congresses. She has awarded a scholarship to support study project from Austrian Academic Exchange Service, Department of Development Cooperation in 1999.  In 2007 awarded a scholarship from TC White Visiting Scholarship, Royal Collage of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, UK. She has an expertise in coordinating and chairing meetings with partners of multidisciplinary background. She has been active in the field of Pediatric Dentistry. She was a councillor in European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (2002-2012). She worked  as a partner at the Erasmus + project KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices in 2019. She will be a coordinator at under the Erasmus+ Programme 

KA2 Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education during 36 months. She will also be a Visiting Professor in the Centre for Oral Bioengineering within Institute of Dentistry in Queen Mary, University of London until 2026. She is currently working as a full professor and Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Dental School, Marmara University, Istanbul-Turkey.