Dr Andrew Toy, UK
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Andy Toy is an enthusiastic and engaging presenter with a passion for helping dentists make the most of the Invisalign system. 

Andy is a General Practitioner with over 40 years’ experience of all forms of orthodontics. He started using the Invisalign system in 2007, becoming a Platinum Elite Provider and has since completed over 1000 cases. 

Andy has a Master’s Degree in Clinical Education and has been a member of the AlignTech Academy since 2010, teaching throughout the UK, Europe and APAC. He is Co-Director of the Postgraduate Diploma in Clear Aligner Therapy at the City of London Dental School and has supported thousands of dentists on their own Invisalign journey.

Andy has a special interest in occlusion, TMD and oral muscle function. His first occlusion course was at the Pankey Institute in 1982 and has since become a Faculty member there. He has been part of a research team at Loughborough University with peer-reviewed, published research in the area. He is author of ‘Building the Right Bite’, a guide to occlusion for Invisalign dentists.

Andy also has published research and written articles on the Consent process - a critical element of the Invisalign Patient Journey. He likes Invisalign patients who are delighted with their results and pay with gratitude!

Andy is a great believer in the use of extended duties teams and has been training Treatment Coordinators since 1986. He has created an In-Practice TCO training programme alongside a Level 3 Advanced Diploma qualification for the Aligner TCO. Both are available through his training company, The Dental Business Academy.