Help put the life back in your patients’ hands
Register to watch webinar on-demandLearning Objectives
- To increase awareness of the prevalence/risk and burden of peripheral neuropathy in patients with diabetes in the Middle East and to educate on early screening for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy in patients at risk
- Discuss the pathophysiology of diabetic peripheral neuropathy and share a case study – explain the clinical workup conducted, evaluation & diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in clinical practice
- To educate on the long-term treatment with B vitamins – educate and raise awareness of neurotropic B vitamins and the synergistic mode of action to support nerve health
Expected 3 CME (Saudi Commission for Health Specialties)
Expected 3 CPD (Federation of the Royal College of Physicians UK for 3 external (category 1) CPD credits)