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How early diagnosis of common cold would make it less common?


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2 CME – Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (ACA-20220001562 )


Upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) is an illness caused by acute infection by over 200 types of viruses. Most URTIs are short, mild, and self-limiting, but some can lead to serious complications, resulting in a heavy social and economic burden on individuals and society. The current acute URTI management strategies aim to alleviate symptoms and prevent URTI virus transmission. The effectiveness of these strategies is highly increased with early intervention, administered prior to the peaking of viral shedding. This reduces the chances of developing a full-blown acute URTI, decreases symptom severity, and reduces viral transmission. Mucoadhesive gel nasal sprays have shown promising results for early intervention of acute URTI. They act by creating a barrier that can trap virus particles, thereby preventing the invasion of the mucosa by the virus. Additionally, they deliver broad-spectrum activity that is effective against a wide variety of pathogens that cause acute URTI.

Learning Objectives

The objective of the scientific, non-promotional webinar is to raise disease awareness and educate pharmacists in Saudi Arabia about:

  • The prevalence of the common cold and its clinical management in Saudi Arabia.
  • The principle of early intervention.
  • The technology of Mucoadhesive gel.
  • The clinical evidence of Mucoadhesive gel.


14:00 – 14:05
Welcome, Introduction, Objectives
by Prof Ibrahim Alsarra – Moderator
14:05 – 14:35
Session: Prof Natalie Schellack
Learning objectives:
a. Prevalence of cold and its clinical management in Saudi Arabia
b. Principle of early intervention
14:35 – 15:05
Session: Dr Yong Chiat Wong
Learning objectives:
c. Technology of Mucoadhesive gel
d. Clinical evidence of Mucoadhesive gel
15:05 - 15:30
Discussion, Q&A

Reference publication: Wang DY, Eccles R, Bell J, Chua AH, Salvi S, Schellack N, Marks P, Wong YC. Management of acute upper respiratory tract infection: the role of early intervention. Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine. 2021 Dec;15(12):1517-23. DOI: 10.1080/17476348.2021.1988569

Link to the publication: https://doi.org/10.1080/17476348.2021.1988569

Prof Ibrahim Alsarra, KSA

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Paulette Marks, Australia

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