13 Apr 2023

CAPP and HuFriedyGroup collaborate to help dentists deliver the best care to patients

An American Dental Association Continuing Education Recognition Program recognised provider, the Centre for Advanced Professional Practices (CAPP) delivers excellence in continuing dental education at its training institute in Dubai, as well as online. It is one of the largest continuing medical education providers in the Middle East.
CAPP and HuFriedyGroup collaborate to help dentists deliver the best care to patients

The CAPP Training Institute can accommodate up to 24 delegates and has world-class facilities equipped with phantom head stations, microscopes, high- and low-speed handpieces supported by water and air compressors, and the latest TV and audio-visual technologies.

Since 2019, it has been partnering with HuFriedyGroup to provide the optimal instrument solutions for its hands-on training courses and post-graduate programmes, establishing a long-lasting and satisfying relationship for all parties involved and, most important, for trainees, who can improve their skills and learn new techniques with top-class instrumentation. In this manner, in 3 years, 21,600 dental professionals have gained experience by using HuFriedyGroup instrument kits, giving them confidence in treatment to achieve a predictable aesthetic and functional result in endodontic, restorative and implant dentistry.

Each kit includes all the necessary instruments by procedure, allowing practitioners to realize the entire clinical technique from beginning to end, thus facilitating its organization before, during and after the dental treatment. This concept gets its best results when applied to dental clinics and offices: each procedure has its specific kit, with everything the dentist needs in one single place and arriving altogether to the chairside.

For example, the endodontic kit used in CAPP Training Institute consists of all instruments needed for endodontic surgical and non-surgical retreatments: an excavator, a general multi-purpose apical explorer, a retro-filling instrument , a periosteal elevator and a tissue pliers. This kit is broadly used during the CAPP’s “Clinical Endodontics PG Diploma” programme. In May 2023, participants will be using the kit in Prof James Prichard’s two-day hands-on course “Enhance your expertise in endo—the 3Dimensional revolution” as well as the “Primary treatment and retreatment in endodontics: the smooth access to the apex” course with Dr Marc Kaloustian.

The restorative dentistry kit allows trainees to practice on every kind of composite restorations, from anteriors to posteriors, and is used in all courses and post-graduate programmes related to prosthodontics, restorative dentistry, and aesthetic dentistry. The programme “Restorative & Aesthetic PG Diploma” is where the kit is used throughout the entire course.

Finally, the extensive implant dentistry kit features in CAPP’s implant and surgical courses, including those covering periodontics, extraction and management of impacted teeth. It consists of a series of surgical and diagnostic instruments that allows trainees to improve their abilities on suturing, socket debridement, extractions, and soft-tissue management.

In June, participants will be using the kit in Dr Maurizio Martini’s one-day hands-on courses “Extractions and suturing techniques. Tips and tricks in the daily dental practice” and “Impacted wisdom teeth: A–Z management and easy extraction technique”.

To experience the HuFriedyGroup instruments for themselves, readers can find a list of courses in which to enrol at www.cappmea.com/events

For more information on HuFriedyGroup products, visit www.hufriedygroup.eu or follow HuFriedyGroup Europe on Facebook (@HuFriedyGroupMiddleEast), Instagram (@HuFriedyGroupEurope) and LinkedIn (@HuFriedyGroup Europe).