Digital Orthodontics Symposium

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TADs & Aligners: Overcoming limitations through their synergistic clinical application


This session will cover the successful application of skeletal anchorage, encompassing various aspects from insertion sites to advanced techniques. Participants will explore clinical workflows with an emphasis on digital methods. 

Moreover, attendees will discover how to combine clear aligners with skeletal anchorage, extending the possibilities within clear aligner treatments. Through this lecture, orthodontic professionals will acquire the knowledge necessary for effective implementation of skeletal anchorage, maximizing treatment outcomes and expanding treatment options. 

Learning Objectives

  • Attain proficiency in TAD insertion sites and techniques, strategically applying them within your clinical workflow to enhance treatment effectiveness. 
  • Understand the constraints of clear aligner treatment and explore the potential of TADs to effectively expand those limitations. 
  • Acquire insights into varied treatment protocols involving TADs and aligners, and get to know their combined advantages and diverse applications. 
  • Discover how integrating TADs into your treatment protocols can effectively address even the most complex cases when combined with aligners. 
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