Online Event | UAE Timezone (GST) 11-14 Nov 2021

16th CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry Conference

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TMJ and occlusion in day to day clinical practice


Dentistry revolves majorly around cosmetics, implants, gum issues etc. ignoring the fact, that TM joint and occlusion are the foundation of dentistry. Because these joints are not screened for every patient and occlusion is arbitrarily adjusted with dentist guesswork and patients ‘feel factor’ about the occlusal imbalance, many a times perfect looking dentistry, doesn’t last long, In day to day clinical dentistry, if these two areas are ignored, either patient will destroy the work of dentist gradually or patient will start showing signs or symptoms of occlusal force disease. This talk will help dentists understand the importance of visualizing the TMJ and occlusion before and after the treatment.

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