Real world pediatric dentistry: Behavioral coaching, treatment planning, local anesthesia, pulp therapy, aesthetic restorations & space maintainers
11 Apr 2025, 09:00 - 18:00 CAPP Training Institute | Dubai | UAE Area of interest: General Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry

In addition to this seminar, on 12 April Dr LaRee will conduct a hands-on course on "Vital Pulp Treatment, Crown Preps, and Space Maintainers – Advanced Pediatric Dentistry Masterclass". There is preferential rate of a delegate registers for both the seminar and hands-on course. For more information about the hands-on course, click here.


Registration & Pricing


Whether you are an "invincible" young provider, a "wise" doctor with many years of practice, or somewhere in between, this presentation will bring positive energy to your life. All realms of dentistry are rewarding for many reasons; however, let's be honest: dentistry is challenging. Mentally, we must be lifelong learners to give our patients the most compassionate, state-of-the-art, and evidence-based care. At the same time, societal expectations and social media have us under a microscope from the moment we begin practicing until we retire. From a physical standpoint, we are all at risk for spinal, positional, and overuse injuries. Socially, after giving 100% to our patients all day, what is available for our family and friends? This discussion will provide attendees with the tools to preserve and strengthen their mental, physical, and social fortitude to continue to find joy in dentistry.

Caring for children's oral health is no small task! It begins with precise treatment planning. In this dynamic world offering a full menu of standard and aesthetic restorative options, you must be proficient and efficient in all options and deliver a predictable positive clinical outcome. But wait! Before you can deliver care, you must master behavioral coaching, utilization of nitrous oxide, advanced behavioral adjuncts, and move seamlessly through a surgical theater with general anesthesia. Participants will understand the minor, but important nuances of setting up an operative appointment for success.

Next, it is essential to unpack the delivery of topical and local anesthesia. The attendees will learn many options and delivery techniques to decide what is best for their clinical practice. The seminar will provide details of isolation tips and tricks with strategic bur selections. After an accurate pulpal diagnosis, pulp therapy is a continuum of techniques with evidence-based materials, and the provider must confirm the diagnosis with each step of the procedure. The course will dive into vital and non-vital pulp therapy. Of course, the pulp therapy with a 100% success rate is extraction. Pediatric oral surgery will be demystified with this lecture with a recommended armamentarium that renders success with minimal effort.

Now to restorative! Just as pulp therapy is a continuum, restorative is the same with a base of prevention. The most common reasons for clinical failures will be identified, along with the small things that make a big difference in clinical success. There is nothing more aesthetic and durable than zirconia crowns, and placement can be made easier. Once we restore the children with beautiful restorations, we need to save space where teeth were removed with space maintainers. However, before we make decisions about appliances, we need to understand how to manage the development of occlusion to make the best appliance choice.

Course Objectives

  • Unpack the landmines most dentists face that steal the pleasure from their career and life.
  • Learn how to preserve one's physical body for a long and illustrious career and build body image confidence through these important in-office and out-of-office routines and aids.
  • Become a detective to read children and their parents to strategize approach to behavioral coaching and need for adjunctive pharmaceutical measures.
  • Deliver local anesthetic in the most compassionate way possible.
  • Optimize quality pulp products for predictable pulpal outcomes.
  • Master efficient aesthetic crown placement.
  • Choose and place space maintainers to support growth and development.


09:00 – 10:45
Provider Wellness
Behavioral Coaching
  • Basic
  • Advanced
Treatment Planning for Success
10:45 – 11:15
Coffee Break
11:15 – 13:00
Materials for Prevention
Local Anesthesia Delivery
Pulp Therapy
Pulp Therapy in Trauma Management
13:00 – 14:00
Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:30
Aesthetic Restorations
  • Composite resins
  • BioFlx Crowns
  • Zirconia Crowns
15:30 – 16:00
Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:30
  • Space Maintainers 
  • Multipurpose
Sequencing of Treatment
17:30 – 18:00
Final Comments
Questions and Answer

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