Fundamental of Endodontics (Diagnosis, Access and Prep, Endo Obturation and Direct Composites)
Hands-on Courses
08-10 Mar 2021, 09:00 - 18:00
Abu Dhabi | UAE
Area of interest:
General Dentistry, Endodontics
Programme Outline
- Fundamental and Diagnostic of Endodontic Tooth
- Contemporary Endodontics – An overview
- Dentine pulp complex / classification / disease
- Radiographic assessment of cases both conventional, CBCT & others
- Endodontics Risks
- Understanding access cavity design, locating canals and curve canals
- Standard technique / crown down technique / balance forces / modified double flare techniques
Hands-On Training
- Double flare technique
- Niti Pro-taper
- Hand filing
- Obturation Practical Single Cone
- Cold Lateral Condensation
- Rubber dam
- Access and Prep
- Direct Composites