Key Advantages
- Unique & valuable ISQ pattern: essential for predictable immediate or early loading
- Double Offset design for excellent soft tissue responses
- No screw loosening guaranteed!
With a special biologically-inspired design, AnyRidge® implants offer effective treatment solutions that are less invasive, fast, predictable, and esthetically superior, especially when considering immediate placement, immediate loading, and short implants.
Achieve amazing initial stability in any bone density (D1-D4) and with any ridge structure (width & depth) - hence the name AnyRidge®
- Guaranteed excellent stability, event with compromised bone density
- Less reduction & more preservation of cortical bone
- No screw loosening guaranteed
- Unique and valuable ISQ pattern; essential for predictable immediate or early loading
- Wider implant possibilities than crestal width
- Clinically proven safety
- Faster & stronger osseointegration
- Esthetic design & varied abutment selection
- Super implant –prosthetic connection
- Better soft tissue response
- Innovative R2GATE software for completing implant & prosthesis in ONE DAY
How is this possible?
The magic is in the biological design of AnyRidge® implants:
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Key Advantages
- Incorporating key features of an AnyRidge® implant
- Higher compressive & fatigue strength with long-term biological stability
- Accurate positioning & excellent prosthetic connection (X-Fit™)
Despite its growing popularity amongst users and the continuing build-up of clinical evidence showing the benefits of the AnyRidge® implants both for patients and for doctors, some clinicians still hesitate to turn to it. Habitual use of old-style implants, or standard techniques make them unwilling to try something so uniquely different. To enable all clinicians to adopt the “best implant in the world”, we have extended the AnyRidge® Family. Incorporating key features of an AnyRidge® implant with changes to make this implant more widely used by dentists.
Bone destroyer or Bone friendly implant?
The new BLUEDIAMOND IMPLANT® makes it possible for all clinicians to take the opportunity to offer their patients the advantages of AnyRidge®. Having a slightly different implant body shape and connection but incorporating many of the key features of the AnyRidge® implant, BLUEDIAMOND IMPLANT® offers a simple solution for clinicians wishing to offer the best to their patients without making big changes to their current surgical protocols.
Stronger than any other implant
BLUEDIAMOND IMPLANT® is made of pure medical Grade 4 titanium (coldworked) that has been clinically proven for more than 20 years to provide biocompatibility and ensure long-term survival when linked to an implant design with improved strength. Notably, combining a higher compressive strength and fatigue strength safeguards the long-term mechanical stability of the implant.
High initial stability for immediate placement in all bone types
The unique KnifeThread® and super self-tapping design features provide superior initial stability in any compromised bone situation. The option of different thread depths (regular or deep) and special KnifeThread® design enable easy implant placement with good primary stability in ALL bone densities. BLUEDIAMOND IMPLANT®’ was applied to the design for less bone stress with different thread depth to the same core body. On top of that these implants have various fixture diameters for all sizes of teeth which enable the implant to be placed in even larger osteotomy sockets.
Accurate positioning & excellent prosthetic connection
BLUEDIAMOND IMPLANT® has a unique X-FITTM connection with a 30° internal conical connection & double-fastened internal structure of an arch keystone & octa combination. Devised from architectural principles, the arch-type keystone improves long-term mechanical stability with high resistance to external compressive forces, such as mastication, and an excellent stress dispersion effect.
Furthermore, the position of the abutment can be precisely rotated in 45° increments (8 positions), allowing accurate positioning, especially when using an angled abutment. So it enables to reduce unnecessary chair time with a prosthetic design that minimized screw loosening.
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To find more, please visit HERE
R2GATE® implant planning & ONE-DAY Solution
Prosthetic-driven implant positioning
Innovative diagnostic software that analyzes the total oral condition to determine the optimal position for implant treatment.
Integrating all information required for prosthetic-driven (top-down) implant positioning:
- prosthetic design
- skeletal information
- gingival form
- occlusal relationship
- ONE-DAY implants (ONE-DAY smile)
- accurate predictive diagnosis
- reduced chair-time
- minimally invasive surgery
- immediate loading
- excellent clinical results
Digital EYE™
Color-coded analysis of bone morphology & density
Although CBCT uses 256 shades of B&W, the human eye can only detect 16 (6%). Therefore, Digital EYE converts the CBCT shades into full color with a standardized brightness, allowing intuitive analysis of the bone condition to position & size the implant, determine the drill sequence, and predict the initial stability for immediate loading.
Windowing for standardized brightness
The brightness levels from different CT equipment are standardized using a special windowing function based on the Hounsfield unit scale.
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N2 Chair - The first class!
- Function & Convenience
- Impressive Patient Comfort
- Effective Communication
- Easy to Assist
- Durability & Trust
N2 Chair provides two types for your convenience!
- Mount Type
- Cart Type
If you are interested in N2 Chair, please contact your MegaGen's local distributor here:
#MegaGen #MegaGenImplant #implant #N2 #N2Chair #Thefirstclass #ForLifetimeSmiles #dentistry
Plasma X Motion - Regenerative activator by Plasma
Higher osseointegration performance with a higher survival rate.
Plasma effect helps faster osseointegration and bone formation possible on calcium surface by clearly removing hydrocarbon and maximizing blood supply, which ultimately helps faster osseointegration!
Plasma Technologies developed to shorten healing time & enhance stability
Improved resin cement bonding strength
Super hydrophilic effect produces 95.7% increase in surface bonding strength of resin cement
- ALL implant brands
- ALL abutments
- ALL crowns (single / bridge)
Novel vacuum plasma technology for Regenerative activation of dental implants
Plasma removes hydrocarbons & contaminants from implant surface to increase hydrophilicity & improve osseointegration. XPEEDActive cycle of Plasma X Motion proven to increase attachment, proliferation, & differentiation of osteoblast cells, as well as protein adsorption. Plasma X Motion improves performance of implant surface.
#MegaGen #dentalimplants #BlueDiamond #AnyRidge #AnyOne #ForLifetimeSmiles #dentistry #dental #PlasmaX #osseointegration